Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Ymchwiliad i sylweddau seicoweithredol newydd (“cyffuriau penfeddwol cyfreithlon”)

Tystiolaeth gan PACE (Partneriaid a Chymunedau’n Ymgysylltu) – LH AI 05

Partners and Communities Engaging

The Good Drug Dealer Film and Education Resource Secondary School Evaluation.

July 2014.

Please note that it is advised that this evaluation should be read in partnership with the attached appendices.


The PACE group (Partners and Communities Engaging) was established in the autumn of 2012 due to various partners concerns regarding  mephedrone use, commonly called ‘meow meow’,  initially within the Blaenau Gwent community and expanding to Caerphilly.  Particular concerns were raised in Schools where pupils had voiced a growing concern that their peer’s substance misuse, predominantly in relation to ‘meow meow’, had increased and was causing social distress within their community.

The PACE group formed and over the last 18 months the membership has included Elected Members from Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly, Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership Manager, an independent former Deputy Head Teacher, a prominent local Film Director, Community Partners including Tai Calon, Communities 1st, Police and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Gwent Police School Liaison Coordinator, Healthy Schools coordinator and Substance Misuse Lead Officer. Key constitution aims of this group included:


In order to gain a robust perspective of the issues face by young people the group agreed that it would be critical to hold focus groups with young people. Several targeted peer sessions were arranged across the Blaenau Gwent community, approximately seventy 15-16year olds were asked in confidence what the issues were regarding ‘meow meow’ use in their community. Please see Appendix D for the full research findings, however key information included:

As part of these sessions young people were asked what they felt would be the best way to engage with their secondary school aged peers in regards to learning about the social, emotional and illegal issues in relation to misusing a range of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS’s) like mephedrone. The groups suggested that a dramatic film and education pack would be the most engaging way forward.

PACE agreed that an educational resource including film drama should be developed. The film and educational resource was funded by PACE partners including contributions from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Gwent Police, Caerphilly Community Safety Partnership, Blaenau Gwent Substance Misuse Commissioning Group, Blaenau Gwent Councillors, Tai Calon, Gwent Safeguarding Board.

Development process


Based on the research finding PACE agreed core objectives to achieve through the development of a drama script:

The script developed over several months and included additional research on the impact of mephedrone on the community, police information on the legality of substances, feedback from substance misuse workers on the signs, effects and common cutting agents. Once signed off by the PACE group, filming and editing were completed by late November 2013.

Education Resource

Alongside the film development a task and finish group was set up to develop an educational pack, the group consisted of Personal and Social Education (PSE) lead teachers from both boroughs, Gwent Police core liaison coordinator, healthy schools coordinator, the locality substance misuse children and young person’s service provider and Lead Officer and an independent ex deputy head with previous experience of delivering substance misuse education and whom had conducted the peer sessions. Please see Appendix E for the full contents of the pack developed including class room activities.

The education pack was reviewed post launch of the film to ensure feedback on appropriate guidance including cross reference to the Welsh Government PSE framework.

The PACE guidance notes include information on how they perceive this full resource should be used in an educational setting:

PACE were also made aware through the Substance Misuse Lead Officer and the Healthy Schools Coordinator that the PACE resource pack could possibly link into the Gwent Area Planning Board’s Prevention and Advice Group (APB PAG). This group had recently developed good practice substance misuse PSE training to be rolled out across Gwent.  It was considered that it would be easier to provide joint training in one session to incorporate both resources to ensure best value for teachers, this is subject to agreement by the APB.


On the 16th January 2014 The Good Drug Dealer was official launched at The Market Hall, Brynmawr. Approximately 300 people attended this screening and there was media interest from ITV and BBC Wales.

The film received positive feedback and many of members attended confirmed that they would interested in receiving additional training to equip them to use the resource within their education settings ranging from schools, youth services, youth offending services etc. 

There was some feedback regarding the content of film, in particular regarding some scenes towards the end of the film. The PACE group acknowledged this feedback and confirmed that the film should produced in its entirety to ensure the full impact of the film is captured, PACE  acknowledged that key partners such as Schools and Youth setting would use this as they felt appropriate within their settings and that the education pack guidance had been revised to support this. 



School Evaluation June 2014

Rhymney Comprehensive School in Caerphilly kindly agreed to complete an evaluation of this product on both students and staff from 16TH-27TH June 2014.

Before starting this process the Deputy Head, PSE Coordinator and Head of Pupil support met with a member of the PACE group for a briefing regarding the evaluation process and overview of the guidance as stated above.

Below captures the key information from the evaluations.

Teacher feedback (please see appendix A and B for full response)

Student feedback (please see appendix C for full response)


Parent’s comments

In addition to the formal evaluation process an additional educational session was conducted with 7 parents. All of whom agreed that film and educational pack was a powerful resource and they fully supported the use of this within schools. The majority of parents also stated that the film taught them valuable information about substance misuse. And they felt that the film and a post screening basic substance misuse awareness session would be extremely beneficial for parents/guardians to keep them updated with recent substance misuse trends, signs and symptoms.

Additional Outcomes:

There have been several other key outcomes achieved through this process, Including:

Next steps/recommendation:

Acknowledgement and thanks:


To the Actors, who gave their time for free to support the film

 Jeff O’Reilly (Principle researcher and educational lead)

Peter Watkins-Hughes (Film Director)

Councillor Hayden Trollope (Blaenau Gwent)

Councillor John Morgan (Blaenau Gwent)

Kathryn Peters (Caerphilly CS Manager)

David Rees (Blaenau Gwent)

Phil Diamond (Blaenau Gwent)

Operation Talon

Cllr Carl Cuss (Caerphilly)

Cllr Diane Rowberry (Blaenau Gwent)

Cllr Orial Price (Blaenau Gwent)

Communities Ist

Tai Calon

Lisa Meredith (Blaenau Gwent)

Daryl Peach (Film editor)

Film crew

Gwent Police representatives

Ian Johnston (Police and Crime Commissioner)

Paul Harris (Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner)

Neil Taylor (PCC officer)

Members of the education sub group:

Lyndon Samuels (Gwent Police)

Shan Palmeria (Blaenau Gwent)

Yolanda Jones (Blaenau Gwent)

PSE Tutor from Bedwas

Dianne Webb (Caerphilly)

Members from DAYS-Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly Drug and Alcohol Youth Support

Also many thanks to the staff, pupils and parents of Rhymney Comprehensive School



Appendix A: The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation: Rhymney PSE Co-odinator’s report

Appendix B: The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation: Professionals response

Appendix C: The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation: Student response

Appendix D: Research findings

Appendix E: PACE Substance Misuse Educational pack resource








Appendix A: PSE Coordinator’s Response

The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation – Professional

Rhymney Comprehensive School

Question 1: Do you think that this resource could be used within the substance misuse strand of your PSE framework?


Question 2: If so, which Key Stage(s) could this be adapted to?

KS3, KS4 and KS5

Question 3: Do you feel this film successfully depicts the illegal world of drug supply and dealing?



This should serve to scare young people away or at least make them think twice about engaging in such activities (user or dealer).

Question 4: Do you feel the film explores issues about the harms of substance misuse to individuals, families and the community?



All these issues should affect pupils by making them think carefully about engaging in such unsafe behaviour.

Question 5: Does the education resource pack help in achieving the central aims of the film?

Most definitely!

It will prompt pupils to reflect on the criminal world of drug dealers and the consequences of getting involved both as a user and as a dealer. It encourages pupils to explore the risks and consequences involved in such activity and how this might affect relatives and friends.


Question 6: Is the film and education pack useful in helping young people develop a process for informed decision making including the analysis of risk taking behaviour associated with substance misuse?

Yes, because the DVD gives a realistic view point and the resource pack then reinforces this by allowing pupils to explore the feelings and thoughts they may have about the subject.  It should allow the development of consequential thinking and give pupils the opportunity to share ideas and maybe even their own experiences in a safe classroom environment. The sharing of ideas and experience should further help to reinforce attitudes and feelings about the terrifying risks associated with drug taking and drug dealing.  Pupils are more likely to listen to the views and advice of their peers and the activities should permit this to happen.

Question 7: Some of the activities call for analysis of central characters. Does this serve to focus on the lack of morals within the illegal world of drugs?


The way the characters are portrayed throughout the DVD seems to reflect the seedy world they operate in.  The DVD depicts how some of the characters have no moral compass or compassion for other individuals (the young and vulnerable especially).  The main characters, though seemingly more moral, have little control over events and become victims themselves. This should hopefully serve to reinforce the message intended.

Question 8: Through the film’s exploration of the intentions and morals of drug dealers, do the suggested activities help to drive a mistrusting divide between potential substance misusers and dealers?


The activities seem to reinforce messages explored in the DVD and the risks associated with drug dealing and using.  Questions asked of pupils in the activities should encourage them to think carefully about choices and the case study especially in Activity 8 should drive home the reality of the true impact that engaging in such risky behaviour leads to.

Question 9: How do feel your students will respond to this full resource?

Pupils’ reactions to the DVD were very positive and all were fully engaged when viewing the film. I feel it is a resource that can be used and adapted for PSE lessons and I intend incorporating it into my KS3 schemes of work for Year 9 next year.  It also covers elements of the PSE GCSE course which we started delivering this academic year.  Generally pupils have a strong sense of what is right and wrong and I feel that that they have and will respond to the resource favourably and constructively.

Question10: Would you be happy for us to conduct a post evaluation with staff and students at a later date?


Head of PSE

Appendix B:

The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation-Professionals

Rhymney Comprehensive School

June 2014

A total of 34 teachers completed questions1-4.

The remaining questions were answered by the PSE team only. Please see additional report from the PSE Co-ordinator, appendix A for a full response. 


  1. Do you think this resource can be used within the substance misuse education strand of your PSE framework?

(please circle)


Yes- 88.2% agreed

No- 0%

Unsure- 11.8%


  1. If so which Key Stage(s) could this be adapted to?

KS3- 5.9%


                Late Yr 9’s upwards- 20.6%


  1. Do you feel this film successfully depicts the illegal world of drug supply and dealing?

(Please circle)


Yes- 73.5%

No- 2.9%

Don’t know- 23.5%


If so how? (NB this includes all comments made):

“This film depicts the more sinister side to drug supply vs the glamour some students associate with it”

“Shows the chain of people involved and the range of people involved”

“Very realistic covers issues that affect the local community”

“Shows what drugs are mixed with & the effects of taking substances”

“See links between dealer and supply”

“Tiers of selling”

“It indicates that the people above do not care what they are selling as long as they make money”

“Hard hitting”

“Showing the poisonous substances used to mix drugs. Also the effect on user’s over periods of time”

“Vulnerable aspect of those children involved”

“Deals with money/habit/health issues. Hard hitting but I believe this message is needed”

“Clearly shows the changes in people due to the use of drugs”

“Through the realism of the dealings and consequences of these dealings”

“Danger to health and violence”

“Young people dealing drugs and being manipulated by older dealers”

“Consequences of crime”

“I think it was a little tame in places if we are really trying to get the message across”

“Lack of glamour. Ordinary nature of those involved. Felt Owen comes across a bit of a hero at times!-only negative really”

  1. Do you feel the film explores issues about the harms of substance misuse to individuals, families and the community?

(Please circle)


Yes- 91.1%

No- 5.9%

Partially- 2.9%


If so how and who?

“It shows the devastation substance misuse causes to all the community”

“How individual misuse impacts on family/community. Also how communities are targeted”

“Delivers a clear message”

“Shows impact on families”

“Shows emotional impact on relationships”

“Making more of the what happened to the young girl might also help...Both issues need to be addressed in schools”

“Good shock tactics used for overdose and dark side of drugs”

“Shows the effects that drugs can have on other people e,g the Grandfather passing away not knowing about Grandson”

“The scene with the young girl having taken the overdose was worse than the scene with the boy and the bag”

“The part of the film showing the overdosing particularly powerful.”

“The fact that it is set in a ‘small village’ shows real life”

“The users-glad the fact it wasn’t glamorous”

“Consequences of taking drugs-fitting and possible death, loss of loved ones”

“Elderly Grandfather was powerful”

“My concern would be some of our pupils “admire” Simon”

“I think maybe more on the effects it has on the individuals and the their families, wider communities etc. It shows too much of the dealers having too good a time”

Answers to the below questions have been captured in the PSE Coordinator response appendix A.

  1. Does the education resource pack help in achieving the central aims of the film?


  1. Is the film and education pack useful in helping young people develop a process for informed decision making including the analysis of risk taking behaviour associated with substance misuse?

(Please circle)







  1. Some of the activities in the education pack call for the building of central characters. Does this exercise serve to focus on the lack of morals within the illegal world of drugs?

(Please Circle)





  1. Overall do the suggested activities help to drive a mistrusting divide between potential substance misusers and dealers? Through the film exploration of drug dealers intentions and morals.

(Please Circle)






  1. How do you feel your students will respond to this full resource?


  1. If you used this resource in your school, would you be happy for us to conduct a post evaluation with staff and students at a later date?

(Please Circle)























Appendix C:

The Good Drug Dealer Evaluation-Students

Rhymney Comprehensive School

June 2014

A total of 106 student s completed this below questionnaire. Below the responses are quantified into percentages, with salient points discussed by the students in their answers.


Evaluation form to be handed out after the screening.


  1. What do you think this drama is about?

All students identified with the central themes including trying to depict mistrust of dealers and their motivates, understanding the dangers of substance misuse.


  1. Having viewed this drama what words would you use to describe your feelings?

The below are a snapshot of words used to describe the student’s feelings in response to the storyline and characters:

Sorry, emotional, worried, deep, sympathetic, shocked, relevant, tragic, more aware, sad, interested, angry, horrible, depressing, surprised, upsetting, sickening


  1. Has the film succeeded in giving you a better understanding of the world of supply and illegal drug dealing?


Yes- 85.5%

No- 11.3%

Not answered- 2.8%

If so how?

The students who answered ‘no’ commented that they answered this way ‘because they already knew’.


  1. Do you think the drama has served to highlight the dangers of drug use?


Yes- 94%

No- 1.8%

Not answered-3.7%


If so how?

Numerous of responses highlighted the consequences of Laura, her plight in relation to drug misuse

  1. Does the drama serve to show you how some people can be tempted into drug dealing?


Yes- 88.6%

No- 1.8%

Not answered- 9.4%




Many references to the temptations to make money.


  1. Were you surprised at the consequences for Spacey and Owen?

Yes- 54.7%

No- 38.5%

Unanswered- 6.6%



Yes – some students commented that they did not think that Spacey would die

 No – some students commented that they felt the criminal world were capable of anything.


  1. Has the drama served to highlight the risks of misusing drugs?


Yes- 76.4%

No- 3.7%

Unanswered- 19.8%



Students made many references to consequences of linking with dealers and drugs use.



  1. Has the drama served to increase your mistrust of drug dealers?


Yes- 70.7%

No- 6.6%

Unanswered- 22.6%


The students who answered no commented that they already mistrust them anyway

  1. Do you think the film and range of suggested lesson activities would encourage you distant yourself from drug misuse?


Yes- 69.8%

No- 2.8%

Unanswered- 27.3%




Yes- students identified because of the possible serious outcomes of mixing with dealers and using drugs.



  1. Any other comment?


Key points raised by students:


Brilliant film

Should be shown to more classes

A good message

A very good way of explaining the use of drug abuse

A good insight to drug dealing

Film was interesting and intense

A good idea to stop drug use


A good eye opener

A good film to teach young people to stay away from drugs

The film opened my eyes a lot about drugs and I would never go near them

Made me realise how bad things get when you sell drugs

Very educational

Good because it puts children off drugs

Sad but really good to educate them

People know it happens but actually seeing it is a shock. It is a good film and I enjoyed watching it

It’s good to show, it makes you understand more

The actors make it believable

It got the point across

The film had a powerful story behind it

It was a good drama and it opened my eyes

I enjoyed the film because I now know of the bad effects and the consequences they cause

Should be shown to my year group (9) and above

The film proved a point in showing that the drug industry is bad


Appendix D:

Research Findings


This report is based upon research sessions held with groups of 15/16 year olds throughout Blaenau-Gwent. The sessions took place between July and December 2012.


Discussions were held at four different locations, while group size ranged between 8 and 12. Discussion emanated either from lead questions offered by me or individual observations.

Having been closely involved in the development of drugs education for more than thirty years, I was very concerned by some of these emerging issues:

Summary of Findings

The summary is presented in point form often employing the terminology used by the young people.

This research was undertaken to increase authenticity within the storyline of the film.

The exercise has served well to indicate the social location of mephedrone as well as providing an insight into the relationship between dealer and user while highlighting current drug use terminology.

While the research findings are presented in an anecdotal manner, there is much data to strongly suggest that there is a high degree of commonality across the communities of Blaenau-Gwent regarding the distribution and use of mephedrone. Similarities occur within age of users, methods of dealing, and rates of use and incidents of drug related crime. These issues serve to create high levels of social concern, particularly at a time when this illegal drug is still openly for sale on the Internet!

























Appendix E: Educational Pack contents

Teacher Guidance notes for schools in Wales.

Specific references to Substance Misuse Education within the PSE framework for the educational resource ‘The Good Drug Dealer’.

It is suggested that substance misuse education activities that are delivered in Schools and other educational settings link where possible to the following Skills and Range(s) listed in the PSE framework and takes into account the guidance from the Welsh Government Substance Misuse Education (SME) Guidance 2013.

Both the PSE framework and Welsh Government SME guidance lists Skills and Range(s) for each educational Phase or Key Stage as set out below.

Key Stage 3 (for learners 11-14yrs old).

The specific references to SME at Key Stage3 are as follows:



Developing thinking (DT) Learners should be given opportunities to:

DT1-  use some prior knowledge to explain links between cause and effect

DT2- identify and assess bias and reliability, e.g. evaluate messages from the media

DT3- consider others’ views to inform opinions and make informed decisions and choices effectively.

Working with others (WWO) Learners should be given opportunities to:

WWO1 - work both independently and cooperatively

WWO2- make and maintain friendships, and begin to negotiate behaviour in personal relationships

WWO3- be assertive and resist unwanted peer pressure

WWO4- empathise with others’ experiences, feelings and actions

WWO5- adapt to new situations

WWO6- access an appropriate range of sources for help, support and advice.

Range(R) Learners should be given opportunities to:

R1- display a responsible attitude towards keeping the mind and body safe and healthy

and to understand:

R2- the effects of and risks from the use of a range of legal and illegal substances and the laws governing their use

R3- how to use alcohol responsibly and the risks of binge drinking.







Key Stage 4 (for leaners14-16yrs old).

The specific references to SME at Key Stage 4 are as follows:


Developing thinking (DT) Learners should be given opportunities to:

DT1 take different perspectives into account when making informed decisions and choices effectively.

Working with others (WWO) Learners should be given opportunities to:

WWO1-make and maintain friendships and negotiate behaviour effectively in relationships

WWO2- be assertive and resist unwanted peer and other influence.

Range (R) Learners should be given opportunities to:

R1- accept personal responsibility for keeping the mind and body safe and healthy

and to understand:

R2- the short and longer term consequences when making decisions about personal health

R3- the personal, social and legal consequences of the use of legal and illegal substance

R4- how to access professional health advice and personal support with confidence.



Post 16.

The specific references to SME at Key Stage Post 16 are as follows:


Working with others (WWO) Learners should be given opportunities to:

WWO 1-negotiate effectively in relationships with peers and adults

WWO2-be assertive and resist unwanted peer and other influence

WWO3- independently access and evaluate information, support and advice.

Range (R) Learners should be given opportunities to:

R1-accept responsibility for all aspects of personal and social development and well-being

and to understand:

R2-  how to critically evaluate personal lifestyle choices in the context of physical health an

emotional well-being, considering the short- and long-term consequences of such decisions

R3- the need to exercise responsibility for personal and group safety in social settings

R4- the life experiences which enhance or damage self-esteem and explore how best to cope with

the demands of such situations

R5- the role of the state in promoting public health and emotional well-being.



How do the activities within the Good Drug Dealer education pack link to the guidance listed above.

The table below demonstrate examples of particular skills and range for each key stage group, this list is not exhaustive and additional development should be considered.

Education Pack Activity (A).

KS3 links

KS4 links

Post 16 links

A1. How and why does Spacey slip into the world of drug dealing?

DT2, WWO1, WWO2, WWO4, R2,

DT1, WW01,R2,

WWO3,R1, R2,

A2. How and why does Lawrence slip into the world of drug dealing?


DT1, R2

WWO3, R1,R2

A3. Owen considers himself to be a ‘good drug dealer’ why does he believe this?

DT2, DT3, WWO1, R2,

DT1, WWO1, R2

WWO3, R1,R2

A4. The film takes into the world of drug dealing and drug dealers. How would you describe these people?

DT2,DT3, WWO1, R1, R2

DT1, R2,R3


A5. Spacey indicates that Laura exudes an unpleasant smell. What are the other side effects of using mepedrone type drugs?

DT 1,WWO1, R1,R2

R1, R2,R3,

WWO3,R1, R2,

A6. In the film we encounter Spacey’s girlfriend Laura taking drugs through a blood stained £5 note. At the party we also see her using drugs. She later leaves the scene with another male…..

DT1, DT3, WWO1, WWO2, WWO6,R1,R2

R1, R2,R3

WWO3,R1, R2, R3,

A7. What methods of payment for drugs did you see in the film? Can you think of any other methods of payment that take place?



WWO3,R1, R2,R3

A8. Personal consequences and impact regarding criminality and Substance misuse.

DT1,DT3,WWO1,WWO4 R1, R2

WWO1, WWO2, R1, R2,R3

WWO3,WWO2,R1, R2,R4


It is also considered good educational practice is to evaluate the effectiveness of activities in relation to pupil learning after each session.

In additional to the SME guidance and PSE framework you may wish to obtain information on local Children and Young Person’s Substance Misuse Provider’s. It is good practice for teachers and support staff to know referral pathways into these services, should they be needed. Substance Misuse Provider’s are willing to provide general substance misuse and contact information for pupils and provide support to Schools substance misuse training programmes.

Please contact your local Substance Misuse Lead Officer or Healthily School Coordinator for contact information.


National PSE Framework:

Welsh Government Substance Misuse Guidance:


Educational Activities:

PACE Activity 1

How and why does Spacey slip into the world of drug dealing?

·         Build a profile of Spacey (utilising stills from the film).

·         What are his main characteristics?

·         How do other people see him?

·         How does Spacey view himself?

·         Can he be trusted?

·         How easy do you think it is to become embroiled in this world? Is Spacey a victim himself?

·         How would you describe his relationship with his grandfather?

·         Does he show any concern for others?


Refer to stills:








PACE Activity 2

How and why does Lawrence slip into the world of drug dealing?

·         Build a profile of Lawrence (utilising stills from the film).

·         What are her main characteristics?

·         How do other people see her?

·         Can she be trusted?

·         How easy do you think it is to become embroiled in this world? Is Lawrence a victim herself?

·         Does she show any concern for others?


Refer to stills:


PACE Activity 3

Owen considers himself to be a ‘good’ drug dealer. Why does he believe this?

·         Is he concerned about his reputation with other drug dealers and users?

·         Build a profile of Owen (utilising stills from the film).

·         What are his main characteristics?

·         Do Spacey and Owen want to be accepted by others around them?

·         How do other people see him?

·         Can he be trusted?

·         How easy do you think it is to become embroiled in this world? Is Owen a victim himself?

·         Does he show any concern for others?

·         Is Owen aware of the dangers linked to the drug that he is selling?

·         Does he genuinely care about any consequences?


Refer to stills:

PACE Activity 4

The film takes us into the world of drug dealing and drug dealers, how would you describe these people?



Refer to stills:

·         SP6

·         OW18

·         OW19


PACE Activity 5

Spacey indicates that Laura exudes an unpleasant smell, what are the other side effects from using mephedrone type drugs?




Refer to stills:


PACE Activity 6

In the film we encounter Spacey’s girlfriend, Laura, taking drugs through a blood stained £5 note. At the party we also see her using drugs, she later leaves the main room with another male…..




Refer to still:


PACE Activity 7

What methods of payment for drugs did you see in the film? Can you think of any other methods of payment that take place?(ask pupils how they’d feel if their most valued possession was taken away…visualise how it would make them feel if the possession couldn’t be replaced, how would this feel? Use a circle diagram with levels of importance)




Refer to stills:











PACE Activity 8

Personal consequences and impact regarding criminality and substance misuse.


  1. Here is a statement from a person who has suffered personal tragic family loss as a result of substance misuse.


“The death of my brother who was so well known, liked and loved by many of us has affected us greatly and will always leave my family with so many unanswered questions. Unfortunately, drugs didn’t help him and sent him to a very dark place from which he couldn’t return. The fact that mephedrone or as it’s known on the street “meow” is so accessible to so many people is destroying society and also people’s lives. Not only does it destroy the person taking the drug, but it destroys the family, the friends, and even the services that have to deal with destruction. Unfortunately, my family will never be what it was and that is because of drugs. The sad fact is that youngsters are selling it due to a lack of jobs or, taking it because of depression or bullying. Hopefully this is a matter that one day will be sorted.”


Discuss your feelings after reading this true and tragic account.


2.Ask the group to outline the possible consequences of drug use under the following headings:


·         Physical

·         Financial

·         Social

·         Emotional

·         Legal


In your opinion what do you think the legal consequences should be for a user of mephedrone or similar type drugs?


In your opinion what should be the legal consequences for a dealer?